Palm Beach Gardens Youth Athletic Association is excited to participate in the Birdies for Children campaign! Donations made through this program will be paid to PBGYAA, with an additional 5% donation from Birdies!
How Birdies for Children Works
- Donors pledge $20 or more to benefit PBGYAA, a participating charity for an opportunity to guess the number of birdies at the 2023 Honda Classic
- 100% of the donation PLUS a 5% matching donation will be awarded to the PBGYAA from Birdies for Children
- Donors are eligible for the grand prize (New Honda Vehicle) & other prizes
- For full contest rules and regulations please visit:
Please complete the form below allowing PBGYAA to submit your child’s Palm Beach Gardens Baseball Travel Registration. For every $100 donated, 6 of your Birdie guesses will be submitted, in the order you indicate above.